Sunday, August 10, 2008

Abundance in Life :-)

I just finished the Law of Attraction (by Michael Losier) and I'm going to start again with writing about things that made me feel good about what's happening in life, and to make me appreciate anything that helps keep my vibrations positive.

Friday -
1. The head of our department, Joe, acknowledged an email I sent to him, and told me to schedule an appointment with him for Monday just to chat (he's in charge of 2,000 people, and he is choosing to spend time chatting with me about my ideas and thoughts!) - all because of an email I wrote to him with a suggestion after he gave a speech to our departmental team.
2. I had a lovely evening with Dave and discovered that I love Strawberry Daquiries and Frozen Snowslides. And doing the crossword with alcohol involved, Dave still managed to get more answers than me (I'm going to attribute that to the fact of him not drinking as many beers as my cocktails...!)
3. I talked the bartender into giving me 1 euro off a 6 euro drink! (as a compromise to giving me a free drink...! ;-)
4. I met my friend Frank while I was walking home, and it was a nice surprise! We chatted and then parted (I play table tennis with Frank)

Saturday -
1. I spent the day in a beautiful botanical garden (which was free to enter, I might add!)
2. When feeding the more-than-happy-to-get-food squirrels, a handful of children came up to me wanting to share the food I brought to help feed the squirrels. It was nice to see their excited little faces. One of the kids was young, and when I handed him a small handful of food, he ate it himself instead of giving it to the squirrels!
3. Twice I met the same happy group of people (about my age) giving a tour of Ireland to their friends from another country while walking around the garden, and we had a good laugh in our brief conversation exchanges!
4. One of my friends, Ali, brought me a pizza for dinner just because.

Sunday -
1. I started to put a pair of jeans on to go out and look at bicycles today, but then it started raining. So, I took the jeans off and put my pajama bottoms back on, then the sun came out again. I took that as a sign to lounge around the house and do things as my jeans are a sure sign of rain today. It hasn't rained again since, and I was quite happy lounging around my apartment!
2. I finished reading a book that I've been glancing through for a few months now, and actually wrote out all the required exercises! I'm proud of myself for that, and I hope I can make a difference with what I wrote!
3. I started going through the thousands of photos from Peru (yeah, I know this trip was back in July...but there's a lot of photos and it's slightly daunting and tiresome!). I've decided that I'd like to finally pick out the good ones and create my photo album of my trip to Peru, it's been long enough!

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