Tuesday, August 12, 2008


1. I called a meeting today with my boss, another line manager, and our boss to discuss how to keep morale up in the workplace, especially with the downturn of the economy (I'm supposed to be in charge of this area for our team, but people are tired of having the meetings 7+ years for the purpose of increasing the Gallup pole results). The meeting went really well, and afterwards, I discussed with my boss and his boss about my discussion with the head of the department. I think it was well-received, so we'll see where it leads!

2. I figured out how to free up 8GB of space on my laptop, whose hard drive space was increasingly inching its way towards being entirely full! Now I can finally run the disk defragmenter (you have to have at least 15% space free to use it apparently). This saved me from having to buy an external hard drive and it saved me from having to take it in to a shop!

3. I received an email from a friend, and I laughed my head off after reading it -- I love a good belly laugh! Thanks Romek! ;-)

4. I received another email from a different friend who gave some very good advice, and it fits in perfect with my desires and goals in life. Thanks Dick! :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good job.

from Arrow