Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Backlogged Blog, but Still Accomplished and Excited :-)

This weekend was really nice. I started the weekend off by going to a play by Oscar Wilde (An Ideal Husband), which was quite funny throughout (I do admit I was getting a bit sleepy in the middle, but that's not because of the play, it was just because it was late at night). I also had a wonderful Sunday afternoon with Sonja, Natalie, Steffi, and Lukas!!

1. I enjoyed having a lovely dinner of nachos at the Gasworks
2. I talked with a family at the bar who were traveling through and gave them some tips about a place to eat for dinner, and also some tasty drinks for later at the Gasworks!
3. I got an extra half of a Strawberry Daiquiri by asking the bar-man (after all, he would've thrown it out otherwise... ;-)
4. I picked up some shopping items in town that evening (a bunch of bottles of a great vinaigrette that tastes delicious on cucumbers!)
5. I had a pleasant conversation with my Uncle that evening - will have to take the initiative to invite him to a play or movie next time I go.
6. I enjoyed watching the Oscar Wilde play that evening -- one of the characters was extremely comical, and I realized where Angelica picked up one of her tag line quotes that's used as a signature on her e-mails: "The only thing to do with good advice is pass it on. It is never any use to oneself."

1. I enjoyed lounging around the house.
2. The dreadfully powerful rain that fell all day was actually quite nice to watch and listen to.
3. I got most of my packing done for my trip, which begins on August 23rd!! Woo-hoo!

1. I got up relatively early and had a good "irish breakfast" complete with an egg, toast, and rashers! Needless to say, I was quite full afterwards!
2. I went into town and bought everything on my list, including a bike lock and an adapter for Poland and other miscellaneous items. I was quite pleased that I managed to run from store to store and still make it to lunch on time, with 3 minutes to spare!
3. I met up with Sonja, Steffi, Natalie, and Lukas for lunch at a Sushi restaurant (no, I still don't care for sushi, but I can tolerate some with avocado in the rice roll...). We all had so many laughs together, and it was great to see everyone. I'm sure going to miss Sonja's company when she leaves for Germany, but I hope that Natalie and Lukas (Sonja's housemates) and I can stay in regular contact. And Steffi and I will have to meet up more as well!
4. After lunch, we all went to Dundrum shopping center, and I bought yet a couple more items, but I really love them, so it's okay that they cost the money that they did.

1. My friend Dave from work bought me an mp3 player because it was in the bargain bin at Tesco. I was absolutely thrilled with this present, and loaded a bunch of songs onto it so I can listen to them on my trip this coming weekend, and on my way to work during the week. It works brilliantly! I never realized how cool portable music could be until now!!
2. I successfully managed to make it into the city center and exchange items before the shops closed (one I realized was broken and another I realized I'd grabbed the wrong size) during my purchases on Sunday morning), and also make it back home in time to watch Friends (yes, I still really love that show even it makes me a silly mongoose...)
3. I was able to catch the bus home (barely), which means I didn't have to wait 20 minutes for the next bus to come along.
4. Table Tennis was great fun as usual, and I got some pointers from my other friend Dave, who's really good at the sport.

1. I went into work early today (since I left a half hour early yesterday to do my returns), and it was a pleasant walk in (it helped that I was excited to try my new mp3 player...!)
2. I had a nice chat with my Grandma and my mom after work over the phone.
3. I remembered to floss my teeth in between the bar that's on my first four lower teeth (it's always a chore to thread the floss in between the bar and my teeth...). I'm going to make that an every-other-day process.
4. I also ate my broccoli today - that made me proud of myself... ;-)

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