Thursday, August 14, 2008

Ride Around Sally, Ride

1. I got myself a bike (used) today from my friend Sonja. It'll be nice to ride by the sea. Now I just need to get a lock and a helmet...

2. Today I called and talked with my dad, I missed his voice, and was glad to hear from him :-)

3. My boss congratulated me on getting so much feedback on workplace morale from the mini-group sessions I set up. It helped that Elaine, one of the line managers who's also really into this area, was there. Elaine is able to really make people feel comfortable in sharing things. I'm in the process of trying to emulate her work manner.

4. I figured out why there was a mismatch with my checkbook register, finally! I had forgotten to write in a payment I made through Paypal for $25 to Skype. It's a relief to know what it is!

5. I got good news from the gym that I'm going to join, which made me quite happy :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice bike
