Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Heart of Humanity

Today I spent the afternoon with the disabled children through the CASA organization. It was really nice. The girl that I was paired up with is the same girl I've been with for the last two events; she really loves me. Emily is 13 years old and in a wheelchair. She's just the sweetest girl ever. I'm not sure what her condition is, but she doesn't let it get her down. We drew pictures and played catch and talked and ate chicken and got the same tattoos from the really cool magician who also seemed to be a great artist with paint on arms. The Kodak moment for today was when Emily asked me for a hug. It felt so nice to have her arms wrapped around me in love, and then she put her arm around me and rested her head on my shoulder. I put my head on hers, and we just stayed there for a while relaxing and relishing in our friendship.

Which brings me to another story... When I went for a drink with my new boss (he promised me he'd take me out for belated birthday drinks), he was telling me about his little girl; she's two years old, and she has down-syndrome. My boss gave me a very interesting perspective -- he said that having a child with down-syndrome, you do sacrifice some of the plans that you might have had for him/her, but a child with down-syndrome is incredibly lovable. So what you gain is being able to have a child who loves you so incredibly much, and in turn, you end up spending more quality time with your child. I liked that fresh perspective, and it puts a whole new positive image in my mind...

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