Sunday, July 20, 2008

Decidingly Peaceful

There isn't a lot that went on this weekend, but that's not to say I enjoyed it any less. It was actually refreshing not to make plans and to just enjoy being on my own time schedule.

I spent Friday night drinking nearly virgin cocktails at that Gasworks with Dave (well, he drank beer...which is so un-inventive...! just kidding!). It was actually kind of nice that the cocktails didn't have much alcohol in them because normally cocktails blow a person away quickly, and this way I was able to have a few of them and still barely feel even tipsy and also hold a nice conversation all the way through. I learned that I don't like Mojitos (unless I alter it by adding some sugar), Cosmopolitans are tasty, but a Lynchburg Lemonade is the best!

Saturday was a lazy day, but still perfect.

Sunday was a day for cleaning and also met up with Sonja for a late lunch. It was so great to chat with her, to share our excitement about things and our worries and anything else on our minds.

Now begins another work week of getting out of bed when my alarm clock goes off instead of whenever I feel like it...! Aw well, that's what puts bread on the table ;)

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