Thursday, July 3, 2008

Drizzle, Drizzle

Sideways, frontways, downways, anyway...! It's raining here in Dublin, and the sky was dark and gray all this summer's week. I think that contributed to the feeling of this week dragging on and on, especially today because the sun didn't bother to show it's face today, not even once.

I still managed to have a good time this week, after work was over that is... Monday was Table Tennis training and Wednesday was also supposed to be Table Tennis training, but instead, I met my aunt and her niece and her niece's friend for dinner at, where else, but our Italian restaurant! It was really nice. The friend was hilarious, and the niece who I haven't seen in I don't know how long, is really sweet, and very well-mannered. I sent a text to her dad saying I'd like to plan a trip down to see all of them sometime, that would be fun.

Monday and Tuesday I had great chat conversations with my friend from Poland, I was laughing the whole time we were chatting! I'm planning to visit Romek at the end of August, and I'm really looking forward to that trip a lot. On top of getting to have great company, Poland is supposed to be beautiful and full of Medieval castles and Alp-like mountains. I'm going to the southern area, Krakow, which you can see more of the countryside. The capital, Warsaw is just like any other big city, so I'm very happy that Romek lives near the nice part of the country. And have you ever looked on a map? Poland's pretty big! There's so much about Europe that I have yet to discover...!

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