Thursday, July 3, 2008

Ka-Boom! Sniffle, Sniffle...

The Fourth of July comes and goes yet another year while I'm abroad. I have missed the last three Redding fireworks shows (my hometown). It's my favorite holiday of all time too... I think the colors are beautiful and the show spectacular. I become fascinated and awestruck when watching the fireworks up in the dark sky, like a little girl.

This year, there are a lot of fires near and in Redding that have the sky smokey and the air quality quite bad. If the city is still allowed to go through with the fireworks show, the obstructions will definitely make for a slightly less enjoyable fireworks display... I hope the fires get contained soon, especially for all the evacuated homeowners' sake.

At that thought, it makes me contemplate what are the most important things I would put into a backpack if I had notice to leave my home. Definitely would put my laptop in there, there's so many pictures and other important files stored on there (which reminds me, I should back things up again, haven't done that in a couple months...). I'd grab my purse (including my phone and wallet and credit cards). My table tennis bat would need to go in the backpack for sure. And probably a couple shirts and a couple pair of pants so I could get by at work and on the weekends. Also my electric toothbrush, that's always important in today's society! I guess I don't have all that much material things that are vitally important to me here (although my closet would seemingly depict otherwise...).

Maybe I should look into a spring clean of the things I do own this weekend.

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