Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Good Friends Make Life Nice

My three happy times for today...

1. This morning I had a peaceful breakfast (oatmeal with brown sugar, almonds, and flax seed), which was delicious and I had time to read a chapter in my book, The God Delusion (by Richard Dawkins). It's always nice to be able to start the day off slowly, without rushing.

2. After work, I met Sonja, as she wanted someone to be a witness when she handed over her keys to the house she just left. We had Quiznos on the bus ride to her old house and the evening was full of pleasant conversations. Afterwards, we had a coffee and shared a tiramisu in a little Italian restaurant. We hadn't seen each other in so long, so it was great to catch up and I was thrilled to see that she's a lot less stressed than before.

3. When Sonja and I were leaving her old house and walking down to the bus stop, it was becoming dusk, and there was a beautiful sunset out on the sea and on the town of Howth across the sea. The houses and hills were illuminated and the water sparkled with the little light that was left to shine down upon it. Tranquil...

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Barefoot in the Sun

Today's happy thoughts...

1. I enjoyed being at work today. I was glad to be able to attend and be a part of two meetings. I was also happy to get a small, preliminary piece of analysis done on a new model that's being developed. Hopefully this will be the start of lots of new and interesting work coming my way.

2. It'd been a few days since I last called my grandma, so I gave her a ring through Skype. She gets such a delight to hear from the ones who love her, and I enjoy listening to her tell me stories, tell me about the current situation with various family members, and hearing her get excited about her upcoming visits or visitors. She was thrilled to tell me she received the postcard I sent her, and how she loves the picture on it (a Japanese girl laying in the hot sun with a kitten curled up resting her head on the girl's thigh). She told me a story today about how tomorrow, the 1st of May, is the first day of Summer in Ireland. She said that when she was a little girl going to school, she and everyone else would get so excited when it was the 1st of May because everyone would go barefoot to school, and how all the kids thought it was so great to be able to do this! She said that the parents also loved it because it meant they wouldn't have to spend money on shoes for their kids for a while...! Although a couple days shy of the 1st of May, today seemed to mark the beginning of Summer with the warm sunshine that shone all day long.

3. I'm stuck for a meaningful third thought... I could say watching Friends made me happy because it always makes me laugh, but that's nothing I'd attribute to as standing out. Although, if you're a guy reading this, Ross and Joey got themselves into a conundrum when they said "A nanny who's a guy?!?! That's like a girl wanting to be..." Now they finished it with "...a king" and "...a penis model," respectively, when they saw the look that Rachel and Monica were giving them! If anyone has any funny answers to that question, I'd love to hear what you can come up with, while also being non-offending and amusing!

Monday, April 28, 2008


The three things that made me happy today...

1. I won the perfume I was bidding on, on e-bay!! And I got it for a lot cheaper than I expected! I said I'd pay up to $37.75, and ended up getting it for $23.51!!! I'm so excited for this :-)

2. I went to play table tennis tonight. It was the first time back since the gym had been repainted. Only problem is not many people know that it's re-open. It ended up being me and one other guy, Pat, who I enjoy playing and chatting with (usually he brings his 9-year old son, Colin, with him too, who's also a lot of fun to play against, full of smiles and a great little player!). Tonight, despite being quite, it was still good fun. I love table tennis :-)

3. I needed to make an appointment for something, but couldn't quite remember the date that the "night out" with everyone at work was supposed to be. I called up Meabe (one of my co-workers) and she told me that the original date was probably going to be changed so to go ahead and book my appointment. After that, she asked what I was doing, and said that I should meet her, Edel, and Pat at the pub. I would have gone if I hadn't planned on going to table tennis, but it felt really nice to be invited, and hopefully next time there's an invite, I won't have plans.

Sunday, April 27, 2008


My three happy events for the day:

1. I enjoyed this Sunday with a nice walk along the sea (in total, about 2.5 hours). The sea breeze was refreshing -- I let it blow all through my hair, and soaked up the sun that was shining on this bright, blue-sky day. I saw a few dogs enjoying the freedom of being outside (made me wish I could have a dog so badly) -- On one occasion, from afar, I saw this black and white dog zooming down the sandy beach like there's no tomorrow. I stood still, and could actually hear the thumping of his paws hitting the packed sand; he was giving it all he had, and will be one tired puppy tonight!

2. A friend of mine, a co-worker actually, texted me out of the blue to see if I want to watch the semi-final rugby game (Munster, Ireland vs. somewhere with an S, England) that was on this afternoon. So, we met at a pub near my house and it was interesting, there was one guy with a fuzzy afro who ran really fast and it was cool to watch how agile he was as he jumped out of the way of people and dodged tackles. I'd seen rugby one or two times before, and even though I'm not so much into rugby, it was nice to hang out with Dave. I always have a hard time convincing myself to go out with people, but when I do, I usually have a good time and am glad I went, like today.

3. Yesterday I bought a chocolate muffin and I ate half of it this morning and half after dinner. It was so delicious, very moist and not too rich. Definitely a worth-while treat. Yum!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Unexpected Pleasant Events

My three happy entries for today:

1. I received an unexpected phone call this morning from one of my best friends back home in America. So, even though I was woken from my sleep, it was worth it to get to hear from her and have a nice, long, long chat.

2. Today was a lovely overcast day (no rain) with the absolute perfect temperature (not hot, and no sun, but you can get away with a t-shirt and jeans), my favorite weather!! I was going to put off walking to Tesco to get food, but I decided that the day was too nice not to take a little walk.

3. Every time I go into the local Spar store (convenience store), I usually always see the same security guard. Today, he came over and had a nice quick chat with me (which felt kind of nice to know that I have a friendly face that invites strangers to strike up a conversation with me). I found out that he's from Mauritius, a long ways from home for him! I read up on the island when I got home and it looks really beautiful, maybe one day I'll make it there!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Ahhhhh.... Deep Breaths

Hello all... Here's today's entry!

1. I got myself up early today to take care of something this morning and enjoyed a lovely morning walk along the quays (pronounced "keys", and means along the waterfront). The sun hadn't quite woken up (despite it being overcast) and there weren't that many people roaming the sidewalks or cars zooming along the roads. It just felt serene and peaceful, for a city.

2. I noticed gorgeous, bright yellow, purple, pink, and white flowers in the gardens of a few houses tonight on my way to the gym. I hadn't noticed them before -- I think they were extra beautiful because we had a lovely day today and they had the chance to come alive and show themselves to the world.

3. I had a good, hard workout tonight and I'm still drawing in deep breaths to try and catch up with myself nearly an hour later! I was able to push myself through (well, with a couple pauses for drinks from my water bottle) and I was able to keep a constant speed, which I always try to do but end up dipping down below a steady speed every once in a while. I'm happy to be able to say that although I dipped down a little bit two or three times, it was very short-lived and I picked up the speed quickly again and easily.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Tea Breaks :-D ---- Light! 8-) ---- Coffee ^_^

It's been a long time since I've written on here... I'll try to jot down some notes more frequently -- 4.5 months is a little lengthy in being absent from any news!

I think I'll just start anew rather than backdating this blog with events / happenings that have occurred since my last blog. I will go back to listing three things during the day that made me smile. Seems like a good way to boost happiness from within myself.

1. I enjoyed today's tea break at work when we were chit-chatting. Since I moved to Ireland, I decided not to drink (or at least very rarely), mostly because the drinking culture here scares me but also because it's twice or three-times the price over here. Well, one of my co-workers teases me because I'm always drinking water out of a blue plastic water bottle -- I told him once how I used to tell my kids in Korea that it was blueberry soju (equivalent of vodka) and that the kids always used to love getting a sip of my "soju". Today he asked, "Did you drink all that vodka in the last 10 minutes!?" You had to be there, but the conversation went on from there. It was just nice to be involved in a good conversation with people.

2. I got my light bulb replaced in my bedroom. It feels 10x brighter in here because it was nighttime before it was actually fixed!

3. I relished in my lovely cup of International Coffee French Vanilla Cafe (my absolute favorite because it's quite creamy and savory sweet!). Unfortunately they don't sell it over here in Ireland, so I have to ration the three containers of it that my parents brought over to me two weeks ago... That said, it's going quickly. But, I suppose it's better to enjoy it than to save it for looking at!