Thursday, April 24, 2008

Tea Breaks :-D ---- Light! 8-) ---- Coffee ^_^

It's been a long time since I've written on here... I'll try to jot down some notes more frequently -- 4.5 months is a little lengthy in being absent from any news!

I think I'll just start anew rather than backdating this blog with events / happenings that have occurred since my last blog. I will go back to listing three things during the day that made me smile. Seems like a good way to boost happiness from within myself.

1. I enjoyed today's tea break at work when we were chit-chatting. Since I moved to Ireland, I decided not to drink (or at least very rarely), mostly because the drinking culture here scares me but also because it's twice or three-times the price over here. Well, one of my co-workers teases me because I'm always drinking water out of a blue plastic water bottle -- I told him once how I used to tell my kids in Korea that it was blueberry soju (equivalent of vodka) and that the kids always used to love getting a sip of my "soju". Today he asked, "Did you drink all that vodka in the last 10 minutes!?" You had to be there, but the conversation went on from there. It was just nice to be involved in a good conversation with people.

2. I got my light bulb replaced in my bedroom. It feels 10x brighter in here because it was nighttime before it was actually fixed!

3. I relished in my lovely cup of International Coffee French Vanilla Cafe (my absolute favorite because it's quite creamy and savory sweet!). Unfortunately they don't sell it over here in Ireland, so I have to ration the three containers of it that my parents brought over to me two weeks ago... That said, it's going quickly. But, I suppose it's better to enjoy it than to save it for looking at!

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