Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Barefoot in the Sun

Today's happy thoughts...

1. I enjoyed being at work today. I was glad to be able to attend and be a part of two meetings. I was also happy to get a small, preliminary piece of analysis done on a new model that's being developed. Hopefully this will be the start of lots of new and interesting work coming my way.

2. It'd been a few days since I last called my grandma, so I gave her a ring through Skype. She gets such a delight to hear from the ones who love her, and I enjoy listening to her tell me stories, tell me about the current situation with various family members, and hearing her get excited about her upcoming visits or visitors. She was thrilled to tell me she received the postcard I sent her, and how she loves the picture on it (a Japanese girl laying in the hot sun with a kitten curled up resting her head on the girl's thigh). She told me a story today about how tomorrow, the 1st of May, is the first day of Summer in Ireland. She said that when she was a little girl going to school, she and everyone else would get so excited when it was the 1st of May because everyone would go barefoot to school, and how all the kids thought it was so great to be able to do this! She said that the parents also loved it because it meant they wouldn't have to spend money on shoes for their kids for a while...! Although a couple days shy of the 1st of May, today seemed to mark the beginning of Summer with the warm sunshine that shone all day long.

3. I'm stuck for a meaningful third thought... I could say watching Friends made me happy because it always makes me laugh, but that's nothing I'd attribute to as standing out. Although, if you're a guy reading this, Ross and Joey got themselves into a conundrum when they said "A nanny who's a guy?!?! That's like a girl wanting to be..." Now they finished it with "...a king" and "...a penis model," respectively, when they saw the look that Rachel and Monica were giving them! If anyone has any funny answers to that question, I'd love to hear what you can come up with, while also being non-offending and amusing!

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