Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Cookies! (revised) and Lessons Learnt

On second thoughts, I tasted a chocolate chip cookie this morning and they taste much better. I must have had too much sweet food yesterday... Although, on third thoughts, maybe this discovery is a bad thing. Now I've decided to keep one bag of cookies (out of three) at my apartment instead of bringing all of them into work. I definitely need to start going to the gym again...!

Well, the cookies seemed to be a hit amongst most everyone, but I couldn't enjoy that feeling. I was joking around with my friend and told everyone on our team that I made the cookies for his birthday and that I was proclaiming today to be his birthday (he won't tell anyone what day or month it is). Since we're always joking around with each other, I had no idea that he was upset with me for doing this. When I discovered he was mad at me for real, I felt so bad. I hate making other people sad or hurt with the things I do. And I guess I went too far.

I learnt 2 very good lessons today:
1) Be careful when joking around at someone else's expense (I should already know this from reverse experience in Korea), and
2) Don't try to make yourself feel better by buying a pile of junk food -- it'll only make you fat and it will put a hole in your spending money.

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