Sunday, June 22, 2008

Windy Weekend

Had a lovely, relaxing weekend...

It was downright cold, wet, and windy, but I still found a way to make it great and not to waste it.

On Friday night, I went to a leaving party for one of my co-workers, who next week will pick his belongings into a suitcase and travel across the pond to Canada for a year. It was a fun time, and I had good chats with a lot of my co-workers.

Saturday was a lazy day, quite dark and dreary, but I had a good sleep and watched a movie in bed in the morning. Then, come evening, I decided to check out Tesco (a large grocery store) in Marion (about 20 min by bus). I thought it was going to be something exciting (thought it had 2 stories), but it wasn't any different from other Tescos. Still, I enjoy supermarkets, and I went up and down every single aisle and had a good time looking at all the different foods. Also got a shock when the cashier told me how much I owed, I did a double take and asked her to repeat the price!! To which she said with a smile and a smirk, "I guess that means you won't be wanting any cash back today...?" Well, now I'm well-stocked for quite some time!

Sunday was also lovely, the wind is blowing like crazy, never I have seen it so windy before! I met up with a friend, and we walked along the beach (about 10 minutes from my place). It was a great surprise to see the ocean so close to the path. Normally, the water a good distance out (about 15 minutes walk on the sand), but today, it was right up to the rocks on the shore. It was great to walk along and hear the water moving and feel the wind blowing strongly by. In some cases, I was able to "fly" with the wind pushing me strongly on my back! I had to hold onto my hat walking back though!! Now, I think it's a good evening to settle down to a movie and think about next week.

Hope you all enjoyed your weekends too!

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