Sunday, June 15, 2008


This will be a week-long post as I haven't got myself settled back into life yet to where I write often on here...! I will get back into the swing of things.

Last weekend was an absolute blast. I had a lovely dinner with a friend from Mauritius on Friday night; we had a special rice dish that's eaten in Mauritius, fresh fresh with sweet and sour sauce, and some refreshing cucumber salad. It was amazing! Unfortunately, I was just coming down with a cold, and couldn't enjoy it to the full degree, but it was definitely worth getting to taste everything nonetheless. Saturday I spent the whole day and evening with my friend Sonja. It was relaxing, awakening, and a very comfortable day. I really hope she finds a new job here in Ireland, otherwise she will go back home to Germany in July. I would miss her terribly then... Sunday was another packed day with helping the disabled children; we had a picnic in a park and enjoyed the sunshine. Later that night, I met up with Sonja and her flat mates and their friend from Poland. We had so much fun chatting and laughing that evening, and I didn't get home until 3 am on Monday morning... This is what made the rest of the week hard -- trying to catch up on my sleep! But it was well worth it!

This weekend was also nice -- I went to visit my grandma in Sligo. We prepared a lot of meals for her freezer and had a lovely time together. I wish so much that I could live with her. But, she's 3 hours away, which makes it not so feasible with me working in Dublin. It would be do-able in terms of train times, but I'd hate to spend 6 hours a day on the train, plus have to pay a taxi twice a day... I left a postcard hidden under her pillowcase, where she keeps her cross and blesses herself every night. I know that will make her smile to find and read that -- once she tears herself away from the sudoku tonight...!

I still have so many mosquito bites on my lower legs and a few on my arms. I'm a devil for picking at them, and can't seem to stop. I hope they heal soon! I'm glad there's no mosquitoes in Ireland.

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