Friday, May 16, 2008

Fly Away Time!

I'm all packed (have been for a week now) and I'm off to Peru for two weeks tomorrow afternoon. It should be a fun time. I'll tell you about the trip when I get back, as I'm not sure how often I'll get to a computer down there. Until next time, enjoy this Ziggy comic I found ;-)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Magic of Whiteness

Tonight I went to a couple new places with my co-workers to celebrate two girls' birthdays (although, more than anything, it was just an excuse for everyone to go out drinking I think). But, I had a nice walk over to the first pub with one of my co-workers (thanks, Dave) and the pub was really nice (most pubs over here are unique, and I think this is one I'd go to again).

The pub was next to a canal, and seemed to allow people to cross the side street and stand by the canal with their drinks (which was nice because the sun was shining). Also, a lovely swan came swimming along the canal (it's amazing how white and elloquent-looking these animals are). Then, it decided to get out of the water (it lost all graciousness by doing so!) and waddle past a large scared dog (who was trying to muster all the confidence he had to try and act like he wanted to attack the swan -- but when the swan started hissing, the dog quickly retreated). Shortly thereafter, the swan waddled into the middle of the busy road (not the side street)! I'm not sure if it got safely back into the canal or not, but I'd imagine so, one of the security gaurds followed it and helped direct traffic around it. It was entertaining anyway, it's not everyday that you see something like this.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Yearning and Turning

So, I had my first Employee Engagement meeting today at work, but it wasn't as engaging as I'd hoped it'd be.

A month ago, we all took the Gallup Poll, and now that we have the results, we have to spend the next year figuring out how to maintain / improve on the scores. I've been appointed the new coordinator of this task for the year, which I was super excited about at first. I thought that this would be a great opportunity to make a difference and help people want to leap out of bed to get to work (I know I would like to feel this way each morning...). Today's meeting was rather drab, or maybe it was my fault -- maybe I wasn't as engaged or excited while I was talking about the questions. In fairness though, it's a tired process; a process that employees at Bank of Ireland have been having to endure for countless years. Plus, all the scores were above 4, and many above 4.5 (total score is 5).

Still, I thought it would be a good opportunity to figure out ways to spice up people's workload, working environment, and overall relationship with each other and with their managers. I'm not sure if I can achieve this. I have/had some ideas that I thought would be fun to do, things that I did for myself at my old job because it helped me relate more, but I'm not sure if it'll go down as fun with everyone (I tend to have a strange sense of humor compared to the masses...), still, I think I'll try it next month. Overall, everyone gets along great with everyone else on our team, but I do feel that a lot of people are lacking meaningful work, or even work in general, yet others are overwhelmed with a heavy workload. To me engagement is at a more personal level, and not really one that can be hashed out in a group environment...

Another piece of news that was disappointing to take today was that the one large project that my boss asked me to help with, he gave to another one of my co-workers, on the basis that I was going on vacation for 2 weeks. I had done a little bit of work on it, as much as I could for the time being (meetings and discussions need to take place at this point), but I was kind of hoping that I could do the project, whatever that might have entailed (building a new LGD model). I would like to learn more than I am, and plus, everyone around me is really smart with their mathematical degrees, and well, I'd like to feel like I'm contributing more, like they all get to do.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Backdoor Trumpet!

Did you know that "termite farts are believed to be a major contributor towards global warming"? Just a silly piece of trivia for you because I don't have anything spectacular to write about today. Although I did thankfully book my hostel for this coming weekend in Peru (there was a misunderstanding between my brother and myself, where we both thought the other booked the room). Anyway, I did get the hostel (6 days before arrival at this point!), so I won't be sleeping on the street -- AND it's next to Starbucks! Yea, Chai Tea :-)

Back to termite farts... So, I find that piece of news quite entertaining. I can picture a new comic series starring farting termites! I might have to play with that idea, could be a good stress relief; I'd imagine most funny situations in comics arise from real life, plus throw in a some farts into the mix once in a while, and it's sure to stir up some humor. So of all creatures, termites and global warming...? If only we could figure out how to turn their wind power into the next energy source instead (minus the methane smell of course...).

What if farts really were to become the next source of energy? We could all walk around with bubbles on our butts to harness the methane wind for energy producing companies.

Haha, maybe my little termite comic will have all the little termites wearing bubbles on their butts... I'll come back to this topic later. For now, it's bed time... :-)

( original spot where I discovered that termites fart.
( explanation, if you really want to learn about this, about using termite farts for energy.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Animal Kingdom

I love animals -- always have and always will.

Animals have an innocence about them that is immediately appealing. They are beautiful creatures, without the corruption that the ability to think and discriminate brings to our minds. They love us irrespective of who we are, what we do, and how we act. That kind of acceptance is something we all yearn for, and that is what draws us to animals. The same applies to humans, you want to be around those who are nice to you.

I went to the zoo in Phoenix Park today with the disabled kids that I volunteer with. The zoo was really great, it was more of a habitat for the animals than a captive environment. I was paired up with a really sweet girl named Emily, and we took our time meandering through the pathways (though we didn't get a chance to see her favorite, the giraffes, because we were forced to stay together as a large group). Anyway, it was still lovely (the weather was gorgeous) and Emily and I had some pleasant talks. I had been considering quitting the CASA organization because I've been paired with some naughty and spoiled kids the last couple months (we have a different kid each time), but this outing and being with Emily is making me reconsider staying with the group now. When people are appreciative, it's much nicer to want to give your time to make their lives happy.

Enjoy some pictures from today...

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Movie Madness

Today was productive.

I was a good girl and went to the gym. I ate a very yummy, very greasy pizza last night and definitely had to somewhat counter yesterday's feast today. I did a little longer of an exercise than normal because of it. You see, we got a new Tesco downstairs from the apartment I'm living in (which is so completely awesome!!) and I went down to check it out. I had no intention of buying anything, but got enticed with the fresh pizza. I also saw a trashy magazine (Cosmopolitan) that comes with a easy to read (and probably equally trashy) book to read (Jungle Lipstick, author of Sex in the City). I figured it'd be perfect for the plane ride to Peru, so I also bought the magazine/book combo...

Today I got myself mostly packed for my trip to Peru and I've read up on all the precautions you should take while traveling around there. Kind of scary some of the things that are mentioned, such as taxi drivers taking off with your luggage if you get out of the car before they do. Hopefully I'll come back in one piece two weeks from next Saturday. I only have 3 days on my own in Lima before my parents and brother meet me, so as long as I can survive for those 3 days on my own, I'll be fine and will then have company.

I watched a couple movies today, one was light and funny (License to Wed) and one was funny and somber (The Bucket List). I enjoyed them both immensely, but particularly The Bucket List. If you haven't seen it, I'd recommend it without a second thought. It's about taking the life you have left to live (knowing that you're about to die from cancer) and living it to the fullest.

One thing I took away from this movie was: Ancient Egyptions had a belief that when their souls got to the entrance of heaven, the gods asked them two questions that determined if they were admitted or not. 1) Have you found joy in your life? and 2) Has your life brought joy to others? You don't have to answer those questions, but they are quite reflective questions that inspire you to go out and live your life a little differently, because in all fairness, whether you belive in God or not, those questions are the here and now and the most meaningful aspect to our lives as we know it. It puts life in a new light.

I also decided to try and make my life more joyful for myself (in a different way to the movie I described above, although it would be cool to start creating a "bucket list" of my own). Anyway, you don't need to know the details of the changes, but I decided I want Lisa to be Lisa. I often feel like the guy in the song, "The Great Pretender". Two weeks ago, I made a major change that will most likely be permanent, and on Friday, I made another major change that will be ongoing. I hope that the combination of these two actions will lead to a happier life.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

How it Ends

This doesn't really qualify as something that made me happy, but it amused me...

I was on my way to the gym, and in the middle of the street was a dead bird (a black and white bird with a little bit of blue, common over here in Ireland). It wasn't so much the dead bird that amused me but the fact that two other birds were standing around the dead bird making what I can only assume to be crying noises (cawt cawt cawt cawt). One was trying to drag the dead bird out from the middle of the street as well, which I found to be pretty interesting.

I wonder if birds feel the same pain as humans do when a loved one dies? All I kept thinking was that it could have been that bird's spouse or parent or sibling and I felt bad for it. I wonder too if birds carry that loss and happy memories with them for their remaining days or if it's soon forgotten...?

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Creative Juices Will Flow

Three happy thoughts...

1. I found an unused bus pass (2-way) on my walk into work this morning! Not much (only worth 2.10 euros), but exciting to get something for nothing.

2. My co-workers. This morning on the way to work, I started thinking how I'd love to pick up and find a new job again in another new location. You'd think I enjoy the unknown with the way I'm talking, coupled with the recent career-jumping in my life, but those who know me know that I like having security, so it must stem more from just wanting what I do to feel meaningful and important, or at least creative and useful. Well, I'll keep searching, but for now I have a job that I enjoy because of great co-workers, and I'm so grateful for this.

3. Today I had a meeting about Employee Engagement (which stems from our department's recent Gallup Pole results). I've been asked to lead discussions for the year to figure out ways to improve or maintain our scores. This has been occurring in Bank of Ireland between departments for the last number of years, and although people are fairly tired of it, I'm kind of excited to lead it. This may change as the year goes on (there will be monthly meetings), but for now, it almost leads back to my thoughts in #2. I don't know that I'd be able to make this job completely satisfactory for myself because of my desire to want to make a creative difference in the world, but I can put myself in the shoes of all the questions and try to figure out what I would like to change to improve my scores and hopefully others will chime in. We'll see where it goes...

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Innocent Demure

My three happy thoughts for today...

1. Getting back from the gym and showering with my new Pacifica Bali Lime Papaya soap that I got in Enniskerry when I took Dad there. It smells wonderful and I've been waiting for a month for my normal soap to run out so I can use it!

2. Getting a quick surprise phone call from my mom, and a few minutes later from my grandma.

3. Watching three kids out on the field play keep-away from the gym window. They were rolling around and jumping and having what looked to be a lot of fun, care-free and innocent... It's been a long time since I've done something care-free and innocent... What do you enjoy doing that makes you feel like a kid?

Monday, May 5, 2008

A Perfect Mix for a Weekend

I wasn't around to mention three things that made me happy yesterday, so I'll just combine yesterday's and today's.

1. Yesterday, I met Sonja at her new apartment. We had pizza and salad for dinner (her treat, she wouldn't let me contribute which was so sweet of her). We also made the pumpkin pie that my parents had brought over from America to her (you can't buy it here in Ireland). She's got great flatmates too (a Polish couple who are really funny), who hung out with us after dinner. The whole night was full of fun and all of us had a really good time. I ended up spending the night at her place last night (I went off my whole "I don't drink anymore" philosophy for the night and had some glasses of wine and some sex on the beach, so by that time, the buses weren't operating anymore). Needless to say, last night I slept quite soundly. After breakfast this morning, Sonja and I were standing by the living room window and had a nice chat just starring out into the distance. I'm really glad to have her in my life.

2. Dave sent me a text this morning to check up and see if I was okay (I had texted him last night to find out something and I also told him all that I had had to drink...). It made me smile to know that someone was looking out for me. I also get a laugh each time I read a text from last night that he sent me.

3. I met my friend Prakash for a movie and a quick bite to eat today and had a nice time.

I can't believe how quickly this weekend went by, yet I'm so glad everything went as it did. I had plans every day from Friday to Monday, and it was really great. I even managed to get my washing done in between it all. It was the perfect mix of relaxing and fun times!

Saturday, May 3, 2008


Gratitude is essential to happiness, here are my three happy thoughts for today...

1. I met my friend and co-worker, Tatum, for a nice Italian lunch and a short shopping venture around Grafton street this afternoon. I really enjoyed her company and was glad that she suggested meeting up. I'm going to try to be the friend she craves for, as she just moved to Ireland (from England) with her boyfriend about 6 months ago. And besides, all girls needs girlfriends. Tatum is a sweetheart and a very caring person. I will also try to be the friend that everyone else who invests time to be with me wants.

2. I was sitting on the couch this evening reading a couple articles that my mom sent me and the sun was shining in through the big, glass windows. The warm rays covered my legs through my jeans. I felt like a dog stretched out in the sun (well, my little dog used to do that...). It was a really nice feeling to suddenly be aware of this warmth.

3. One of my best friends, and superb graphic designer (set to graduate this spring!), Angelica, sent me an email with a unique artwork design that she did for her graphic design class. She used me and her dog as subjects, and she titled it: "Dorothy Dreaming of Oz". I was thrilled to see it, and honored that she used me as a subject! Take a look (you can click on the image to enlarge it):

Friday, May 2, 2008

The Ground Beneath

Three things that made me happy today...

1. It's the start of a three-day weekend!

2. I went out with my co-workers after work this evening. It always makes the weekend feel longer to do something on a Friday, and it's good for me to learn how to be more social. I just found out that one of my co-workers, Pat, is going to Canada for a year at the end of the summer, he announced it at the pub because he just told our boss today that he wants to see if he can take a year of absense. He's going to be missed, he has the type of personality that breaks ice in whatever situation he's in, and everyone in the office likes him. However, you have to do this sort of travelling when you haven't any commitments, so more power to him for doing what he dreams of!

3. I loved walking over a bridge on the way home tonight while the moon reflected on the water. I know this one sounds silly, but for some reason I just really like bridges, especially walking over them at night.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Today in Numbers

Let's see, three things that made me happy today...

1. I went into town tonight and found my perfume in Arnotts (which I bought via eBay, but which I won't see until October when my mom brings it over with her) and I gave myself a little spray on my wrists. Throughout the rest of the evening, I was having a nice time taking in the scent of it. The perfume is by Hugo Boss and is called Femme. It has a slight freesia scent to it, which is the body spray that I usually like to wear.

2. Today at work, I was able to contribute and make what my boss' was doing a tad bit easier! We have a new program at work that will output reports to monitor how the models the guys build are performing. I'm helping to set up the reports that will extract the information and output the results. Today I spent half the day setting up the filters to pull certain categories of mortgage information. It so happened that my boss was also working with another aspect of mortgages, and because I had already created these filters, he was able to take what I had and work with them to test his theory. It saved him a few hours of work, especially since I had them already balancing to the correct figures. I was glad to be able to share my work and make his progress faster!

3. Tonight there was a meeting for the organization that I volunteer with (CASA), and it went fine, though not many showed up (less than 10). Afterwards, Rebecca, the organizer had promised that we would have a drink and chat for a short while. I stayed for this even though it's hard for me to socialize. It ended up being pleasant, even moreso when it was down to just four of us, and conversation can more easily flow between people (however, next time I'll have to try to join in more and think of things to say...). Still, I was happy I stayed.