Thursday, May 8, 2008

How it Ends

This doesn't really qualify as something that made me happy, but it amused me...

I was on my way to the gym, and in the middle of the street was a dead bird (a black and white bird with a little bit of blue, common over here in Ireland). It wasn't so much the dead bird that amused me but the fact that two other birds were standing around the dead bird making what I can only assume to be crying noises (cawt cawt cawt cawt). One was trying to drag the dead bird out from the middle of the street as well, which I found to be pretty interesting.

I wonder if birds feel the same pain as humans do when a loved one dies? All I kept thinking was that it could have been that bird's spouse or parent or sibling and I felt bad for it. I wonder too if birds carry that loss and happy memories with them for their remaining days or if it's soon forgotten...?

1 comment:

Brokemom said...

I think that birds probably forget. I found you from facebook, thought I'd come check it out! This is Des, btw...