Saturday, May 10, 2008

Movie Madness

Today was productive.

I was a good girl and went to the gym. I ate a very yummy, very greasy pizza last night and definitely had to somewhat counter yesterday's feast today. I did a little longer of an exercise than normal because of it. You see, we got a new Tesco downstairs from the apartment I'm living in (which is so completely awesome!!) and I went down to check it out. I had no intention of buying anything, but got enticed with the fresh pizza. I also saw a trashy magazine (Cosmopolitan) that comes with a easy to read (and probably equally trashy) book to read (Jungle Lipstick, author of Sex in the City). I figured it'd be perfect for the plane ride to Peru, so I also bought the magazine/book combo...

Today I got myself mostly packed for my trip to Peru and I've read up on all the precautions you should take while traveling around there. Kind of scary some of the things that are mentioned, such as taxi drivers taking off with your luggage if you get out of the car before they do. Hopefully I'll come back in one piece two weeks from next Saturday. I only have 3 days on my own in Lima before my parents and brother meet me, so as long as I can survive for those 3 days on my own, I'll be fine and will then have company.

I watched a couple movies today, one was light and funny (License to Wed) and one was funny and somber (The Bucket List). I enjoyed them both immensely, but particularly The Bucket List. If you haven't seen it, I'd recommend it without a second thought. It's about taking the life you have left to live (knowing that you're about to die from cancer) and living it to the fullest.

One thing I took away from this movie was: Ancient Egyptions had a belief that when their souls got to the entrance of heaven, the gods asked them two questions that determined if they were admitted or not. 1) Have you found joy in your life? and 2) Has your life brought joy to others? You don't have to answer those questions, but they are quite reflective questions that inspire you to go out and live your life a little differently, because in all fairness, whether you belive in God or not, those questions are the here and now and the most meaningful aspect to our lives as we know it. It puts life in a new light.

I also decided to try and make my life more joyful for myself (in a different way to the movie I described above, although it would be cool to start creating a "bucket list" of my own). Anyway, you don't need to know the details of the changes, but I decided I want Lisa to be Lisa. I often feel like the guy in the song, "The Great Pretender". Two weeks ago, I made a major change that will most likely be permanent, and on Friday, I made another major change that will be ongoing. I hope that the combination of these two actions will lead to a happier life.

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