Monday, May 12, 2008

Backdoor Trumpet!

Did you know that "termite farts are believed to be a major contributor towards global warming"? Just a silly piece of trivia for you because I don't have anything spectacular to write about today. Although I did thankfully book my hostel for this coming weekend in Peru (there was a misunderstanding between my brother and myself, where we both thought the other booked the room). Anyway, I did get the hostel (6 days before arrival at this point!), so I won't be sleeping on the street -- AND it's next to Starbucks! Yea, Chai Tea :-)

Back to termite farts... So, I find that piece of news quite entertaining. I can picture a new comic series starring farting termites! I might have to play with that idea, could be a good stress relief; I'd imagine most funny situations in comics arise from real life, plus throw in a some farts into the mix once in a while, and it's sure to stir up some humor. So of all creatures, termites and global warming...? If only we could figure out how to turn their wind power into the next energy source instead (minus the methane smell of course...).

What if farts really were to become the next source of energy? We could all walk around with bubbles on our butts to harness the methane wind for energy producing companies.

Haha, maybe my little termite comic will have all the little termites wearing bubbles on their butts... I'll come back to this topic later. For now, it's bed time... :-)

( original spot where I discovered that termites fart.
( explanation, if you really want to learn about this, about using termite farts for energy.

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